ATF1508AS programming.
I wanted to build "Amiga 500 IDE and 8MB Fast" interface from:
First problerm is to get ATF1508 in TQFP100 package, but they are still available on Aliexpress.
Second problem was: how to program this chip? After some research I tried to use Xilinx Cable III on LPT port witch Windows XP and ATMISP 6.7
That operation failed, I didn't have much time to figure out what's wrong.
Other option was to use ATDH1150USB or USB Blaster (or clone) and use ATMISP 7, but I don't have theese cables.
But I have Bus Pirate v3.6 cable, so I decided to use BusPirate XSVF Player. Version I used:
I uploaded firmware bpv3-xsvf-vb.hex from archive to my Bus Pirate interface. To do this, You need to connect together pins PGC and PGD and conect USB plug to Bus Pirate.
After uploading my interface was ready, LEDs PWR and VREG are on.
So, interface is ready, we can go on.
I converted A500_8mb_ide.svf file to XSVF format using SVF2XSVF converter from archive above.
Local file: A500_8mb_ide.xsvf
Then from command line I uploaded firmware using a command: BPXSVFPLAYER -p com6 -f c:\a\A500_8mb_ide.xsvf